T10C80EF Datasheet

T10C80EF datasheet PDF를 다운로드 : T10C series Sibod, glass passivated junction, bi-directional device for telephone and line card protection. Irm = 1uA @ Vrm = 70V,max. Vbr = 80V,min @ 1uA, Holding carrent Ih = 180mA,th min.

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부분 없음:T10C80EF

제조 업체: Littelfuse

설명: T10C series Sibod, glass passivated junction, bi-directional device for telephone and line card protection. Irm = 1uA @ Vrm = 70V,max. Vbr = 80V,min @ 1uA, Holding carrent Ih = 180mA,th min.


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